Every week, I scavenge the Internet, US cities, nay, the world to bring you, my beloved, the best freebies and cheapies that life has to offer. (P.S. I promise to include at least one "date" offering for my penny-pinching friends who know that lack of income should never mean lack of love!)
1. Cheap Way to Stay Healthy: As the weather warms up, we tend to spend more time outside. Most people know they should wear sunscreen, but most people do not know that moisturizers and foundations purporting an "SPF" typically do not offer "broad-spectrum protection" - namely they only block out a portion of skin damaging UVA rays. Take an extra 20 seconds and apply Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunblock SPF 85 to exposed skin; a tiny investment ($10) now can save you a lot of pain later.
2. Cheap Way to Look Healthy: I expect a fear of following #1 is trying to make Casper the new tan. Recessionista, puhlease! I wouldn't leave you out to dry! Try Physician's formula powder bronzer for $10 at the local drugstore, or, for a recovering Tan-aholic, perhaps you should splurge on Benefit's Jiffy Tan bronzer, a liquid that caused the Chairman of the Board at my company to ask me where I went on vacation.
3. Free Chance to Show Off Your Snuggie: Rather than let that fleecy blanket-cum-garment continue to collect dust at the back of your closet where it has been since Christmas given your inability to regift it, show it off at the The Snug, a 9th Avenue NYC bar that will be hosting The (free) Snug Fest this Saturday, April 11th. Be sure to take pictures and send them to that great aunt of yours who, bless her heart, knew you needed a snuggie.
4. Free Healthcare: With so many people I know losing their jobs recently, Walgreen Clinics have stepped in to play Healthcare's White Knight to the recently unemployed. If you have lost your job since the end of March, you are likely eligible for this program. Click on the link for specific details, and hats off to Walgreens for having a heart.
5. Free Way to Save Yourself Alot of $$$: If you think that the time and complexities of getting to a customer service representative to ask about a bill, make a complaint, are just bad luck or an afterthought of an engineer, then I think you might cut back on the Margaritas, Recessionista! With the help of this incredible directory to an extraordinary plethora of major business, you will get to experience the natural buzz of getting directly dialed in...saving yourself time, frustration, and, because we all know humans are much more respsonsive than prerecorded, non-emotive, robotic voices (well, most humans anyway...), you will save money.
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