Read This: A Fairly Honourable Defeat by Iris Murdoch
With themes of defeat owed to faulty morality, silence, and comedic circumstance, this book invites one into the microcosmic world of eight London residents. Through unforgettable characters, rather than predictable plot, Murdoch invites us to gently learn, through moments of comedy and tragedy alike, self-involved, self-centered love will never succeed. Though individuals looking for the rapid page-turning plot twists of many American writers might take 100 pages to acclimate to the character-driven style of Murdoch, the end of the novel alone will make you glad you resisted defeat.
Watch This: Hero starring Jet Li, produced by Quentin Tarantino
From the vault of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dagger Art in Action Cinema, the epic story of love, war, and revenge will have you sitting up straight in your seat. The lavish sets and incredible cinematography will have you scooting to the edge. This is a film that can be enjoyed among a group of women on a Ladies' Night In, as easily as it will succeed on a cozy date.
Listen to This: Wikked Lil' Grrrls by Esthero
Celebrate a little late week naughtiness by listening to this catchy, jazz-infused album by the hidden gem of an artist, Esthero. The title track will have you lusting for a little naughtiness, but but try to limit the inspiration you take away from the seductive If the Mood...cheating is not cool, Recessionistas!
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