Read This: Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler
The presumably fiction-brushed memoir of sorts brings all the boozy brassiness of the talk show host to paper. From the self-deprecation to snarky date commentary, this book is laden with the sarcastic, less-than-politically correct comedy that Sarah Silverman and Amy Sedaris (and brother David) have brought mainstream.
Watch This: The Secretary starring James Spader, Maggie Gyllenhaal
What happens when a Sadist meets a Masochist in a small legal office? Well, the birth of a highly acclaimed Independent film occurs, of course. In this smart, smoldering yet comical film, Maggie Gyllenhaal plays submissive secretary to dominant attorney James Spader. Laced with innuendo, double entendre, and subtle acting that contributes to sexy humor between the two actors. Warning: this might be a bit much for a first date, and definitely not the film you want to watch with your parents on Easter.
Listen to This: Greatest Hits by Bruce Springsteen
Who doesn't love the Boss? This compilation includes Born in the USA, Dancing in the Dark (hello, Courtney Cox!), and The River, the personal favorite song of an ex-boyfriend of mine from college who first introduced me to Mr. Springsteen (I was a late bloomer, okay?!) As weather gets warmer, I find Springsteen's music the perfect soundtrack to driving on cool spring nights or as background tunes for your first barbecue of the season.
I LOVED Secretary! I also love the way Ms. Maggie pronounces it in the movie....I'm his Seeeeecretary!!