Read This:
Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman
Admittedly, Suze Orman scares me a little. If you have ever heard her speak, she comes off like the Bobby Knight of financial advisers. However, this book is a must-read during this difficult economy. Orman walks readers through the in's and out's of purchasing a home, debt consolidation, and negotiating interest rates. I have given this book as a gift many times, and the recipients have always come back to me with raving reviews of her advice!
Watch This:
My Blueberry Nights starring Jude Law, Norah Jone, Natalie Portman
I am extremely cynical of "crossover" performers, especially given the recent Joaquin Phoenix rap career venture. However, in this film, Norah Jones proves that she is more than just a beautiful voice. A film about the road we take, both figuratively and literally, in finding who we are and how we grow from tragedy and difficult times, My Blueberry Nights shows the painful truth and beauty of love, even in its demise. Be warned, this movie makes blueberry pie look so attractive that you may want to have one on hand to indulge in afterwards. A bonus: this is a romantic chic flick in an indie wrapper, so you might just be able to convince that action-film loving mate of yours to watch it with you!
Listen to This:
Conjure One by Conjure One
The first time I heard this album, I thought, "This reminds me of music that I would hear in my dreams," and the more I have listened to the hazy, fantastical songs on this electronica mix, the more accurate that impression has seemed. To those less familiar with the genre, it is often played at high end lounges and bars (Buddha Bar, Japanais, etc.) If you need a little escapism, I recommend the track "Make a Wish," which beckons you to leave your current stress with such lyrics as "You can close your eyes/it's over now." Great soundtrack for a chilled out bottle of wine, great book, and midweek date with yourself.
Recessionista Tip of the Day: Brown bag lunches, while very Recessionista-friendly, can get old and depressing. Give yourself a little treat and grab a wallet-friendly sub sandwich at Subway. For 5 dollars (!!!), you can get the footlong sub of your choice, meaning you may be able to get two lunches (1 6 inch/day) for $2.50 per meal. What a fabulous way to break out of brown bag prison! That Jared Fogel was on to something!!
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